Delivery (2005 film)
Delivery is a 2005 animated short film by German digital and visual artist, graphic designer and filmmaker Till Nowak, created as his thesis film project.
Nowak wrote and produced the film in 2005 as his thesis project at the University of Applied Sciences in Mainz. He had no expectation that anything would develop from releasing the film, and stated "I didn’t expect this little film to change my life, but it all went really crazy. At first, when I entered it only into some small festivals, I didn’t have big plans for it. I just thought that one or two festivals would be nice to show the film and meet some people. Then the film won awards in the first three festivals and I recognized that it had much more potential. Over three years I travelled to Australia, Korea, USA, Spain and many other countries and until now the film has been screened in more than 200 festivals. I have sold it to some TV stations in some countries and won more than 35 awards." [sic] These events caused Nowak to change his professional focus from commercial advertising work to independent art and film. Among the film's many awards were those from AFI Fest Hollywood, Annecy International Animated Film Festival, Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau Kurzfilmpreis, and a nomination from the European Film Awards. He had first shared the film on an internet forum discussing simulated 3-D in film, the resulting attention included hundreds of emails with job offers and festival invitations.